29. S’Ena Tunda front
- Route Historical - Archaeological
- Sub-route Perspective narratives - plain
- Installation Via Defensa
S’Ena Tunda front introduces the historical-archaeological itinerary of the Beyond the Domo Project. The third thematic study recounts the testimonies left by civilizations and cultures of the past and the relationships they established with the surrounding environment in the form of buildings and architectures. The municipal territory of Loculi, which extends for about 40 kilometres, has in fact been inhabited since the Neolithic period in a succession of cultures and populations which have left a significant quantity and quality of evidence in the area.
In fact, there are innumerable and different archaeological sites, even multi-layered, of different periods and conformations, which can still be observed today even in the land close to the inhabited centre.
Among these, the Tomb of the Giants S’Ena Tunda is of mixed type and, dating back to the Nuragic age, can be dated from the 17th-12th century BC. The burial was built on a small relief in Forghe with blocks of local granite. The tomb corridor is well preserved, the projecting walls of which are made up of rough-hewn blocks, usually with a rectangular face, regularly arranged in rows; the arrangement of the blocks creates an ogival section closed, in the upper part, by slabs arranged horizontally, of which only some are still in situ.
Of the exedra in front of it, some orthostats are preserved in situ and, nearby, the lower trapezoidal register of the bilitic stele, in which the classic molding is visible in relief.
Coordinates of the photographed site: 40°25'56.9''N 9°33'14.0''E