30. Sos Moios front

30. Sos Moios front

  • Route Historical - Archaeological
  • Sub-route Perspective narratives - plain
  • Installation Via Defensa

The Domus de Janas Sos Moios is located in the locality of the same name, at the North-West end of the municipal area of Loculi, near the 131DCN National Road. It dates back to the recent Neolithic – Eneolithic period and is dated between the second half of the 4th millennium and the first half of the 3rd millennium BC. It is obtained inside an isolated granite mass, in which there are two entrances facing south: the original access, located on the left, leads to a very small elliptical room in which there is a trapezoidal door built in the right (eastern) wall which allows access to the second cell, today communicating with the outside by means of a semi-elliptical opening opened in a phase following the construction of the burial, placed on the right. There are traces of red ocher paint in the cell.

Coordinates of the photographed site: 40°26'09.9''N 9°32'59.7''E