40. Above Calistru

40. Above Calistru

  • Route Historical - Archaeological
  • Sub-route Perspective narratives – Stories of landscapes
  • Installation Queen Margherita Square

The nuraghe Callistru is built near the southeastern edge of the Gollei Lupu plateau, to the southwest of the village of Loculi. Dating back to the Nuragic Age, it’s dated to the 17th-12th century BC. Constructed using local basaltic blocks and surrounded by vegetation, a substantial collapse of the northern masonry makes the structure’s interpretation difficult. At present, it’s not possible to determine the position of the entrance.

Inside, there is a central chamber that’s challenging to interpret due to subsequent wall modifications. To the north of this chamber, there is a narrow curvilinear corridor with walls that protrude inward and a roof made of horizontal slabs. To the south-southwest, there is a chamber extending about 5.50 meters deep, with projecting walls and a residual ogival roof. Grinding stones are present. Outside, towards the southwest, the remains of probable circular huts from the settlement to which the nuraghe belonged are partially visible. About 60 meters in the north-northwest direction, at the edge of the plateau, there are two structures with primarily circular layouts.

Coordinates of the photographed site: 40°23'47.6''N 9°35'02.5''E