33. Above Preda Longa
- Route Historical - Archaeological
- Sub-route Perspective narratives - mountain - Preda Longa
- Installation Via Maroncelli
Preda Longa is a rocky outcrop which, located at 579 meters above sea level, dominates the landscape north of the village of Loculi.
Leaning against the rock, a Nuragic age structure can be observed, attributable to the 17th-12th century. It has a rather irregular sub-rectangular external plan. The entrance, facing east and of which two beams remain, gives access to an oblong room without a roof, while a second room has been created among the rocks with additions of masonry. To the north of this structure there is a clearing bordered by natural rocks joined by masonry. In the east, north and north-west direction, traces of masonry can be glimpsed among the natural rocky outcrops.
Coordinates of the photographed site: 40°26'53.2''N 9°35'03.2''E